Little Boy Behind the Shadow

December 31, 2015

We’ve been having a wonderful visit with Nathan and Meagan–apart from fact that it has rained most of the time they’ve been here and everyone except me has been sick to one degree or another.  In fact, Nathan, Meagan and Steve’s illnesses actually required visits to the doctor and courses of antibiotics. (As well as a shot of penicillin in the hindermost parts for Steve.) Good times!

I think it’s funny that in a house full of sick people, I am the one person who has remained healthy–and I’m the one person with the compromised immune system. Go figure!  But I’m not complaining.

And I’m especially not complaining when the house is filled with scenes like these.






For Christmas Dinner, we tried unsuccessfully to get a group selfie.  This picture makes me laugh because Steve looks a little like Kilroy to me.


Finally, Nathan leaped up and put to use his 20-something cell phone technology skills.  Good job, Nate!


Speaking of selfies, is it just me, or does Madison look like she is taking her own selfie? I obviously have brilliant grandchildren.


On the subject of selfies and cell  phones, Steve and Nathan are going out today to get a new cell phone for Steve. He is still using an iPhone 4 and the time has come to bite the bullet and upgrade.  Nathan is very knowledgeable about cell phones and loves studying them and talking about them so he is the perfect person to take along.

I am enormously relieved not to have to go along–there are few things more overwhelming to me than a cell phone store.  My eyes glaze over within the first 30 seconds and from that point on, a salesperson could sell me just about anything. I’m extra, extra thankful to have Nathan on hand to help make the billion decisions required in the purchase of a new phone.  

And if you want to know the truth, that’s really one of the main reasons Steve and I had children–to guide their doddering parents through the intricacies of technology.  I don’t know how many times in a month I ask Sarah some computer or phone-related question and she always comes through for me. Hooray for savvy offspring!

Here are a few more miscellaneous photos from the past few days . . .

We always open our gifts on Christmas Eve and Steve reads the Christmas story. This year, however, he asked Nathan to read it.  Meagan got such a beautiful shot of the precious moment.


My sweetie and me.

IMG_0787  IMG_0798

My son’s sweetie and HER sweetie.  I love this daughter of mine. She is a loving, supportive wife, an amazing mother and is so much fun to have around.  I can’t imagine a more perfect fit for our family.


Nathan and Steve planned and plotted for many long weeks to see Star Wars together during Nate’s visit.  They are both huge fans of the series and were so glad the timing worked out so that they could see it together.  I bought them Star Wars candy for Christmas.  You can tell it really pumped them up.


One of the best things about having kids around is that they love the simplest pleasures of life . . . like blowing bubbles.


Look at that joy!



And my favorite shot of the day?  Noah coming up to the front door (after running around the house) and knocking.

Love the shadow that he casts; love the little boy behind the shadow.


24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Little Boy Behind the Shadow”

  1. Mel says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Becky. My husband and kids bought me a new cell phone for Christmas. They are upgrading me from a “flip phone”. I agree with you in that, that is why I had children also. There is definitely going to be some “learning” curves with this one. I have already called a friend by mistake just putting her number in my contacts and then…..promptly hung up on her before I even realized that her phone was ringing. Hopefully I won’t do that too often. πŸ™‚

    • Becky says:


      Once you get used to it, you will LOVE your new phone! I’m glad you have some kids to ask help from when you get stuck. Enjoy!

  2. Trine says:

    But you forgot to tell what the Smith men thought of the Star Wars movie !!
    (PS Great post)

    • Steve says:

      Trine, the Smith men had a blast watching Star Wars. The Smith women flatly refuse to see it. They lack good taste in entertainment but we love them anyway. Happy new year!

  3. Steve says:

    Great post.

  4. Joyous times! I love these photos. Happy New Year!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, they really were joyous times. It’s amazing to think of how much Noah and Madison will have changed by the next time we see them. Miss them already!

  5. mrs pam says:

    BEAUTIFUL, beautiful family!!!
    St. Louis got its share of rain last week. so many folks were forced to evacuate their homes because of the flooding.
    so sad!
    as for me, my basement got up to six inches. Most plumbers were booked. I AM SO BLESSED BECAUSE TODAY IT IS COMPLETELY DRY. My realtor contacted Max who works only thru realtors. he fixes houses for closing sales. he came over Monday. the day mrs. G. discovered the water. and had the pump working all night. yesterday they filled two dump trucks with water damaged stuff. gayle and my friend patty worked all day yesterday helping, and came back today and spent all day getting my kitchen clean.
    didn’t fill a dump truck, but probably lots of trash cans and the recycle can.
    hope all the sickness has left your house.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Sounds like you’ve been dealing with a huge mess; so glad you had people to help you clean up and dry out! It is so sad to hear people had to evacuate their homes; such a scary, unsettling experience. Glad you and your house are both (mostly) okay.

  6. Happy New Year and many blessings to come in that new year!

    Love, hugs and ladybugs………

  7. Wendy says:

    You have some sweet pictures πŸ™‚ I also need to upgrade my phone. Its a little flip phone that doesn’t do diddly squat…My kids have a fit anytime they try to send me pics of the grandkids.ha! So sorry about the illnesses. We had it at our house too. But, thankfully it stayed with just my daughter in law, my son and my poor little granddaughter who had earache. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year. Wendy

    • Wendy says:

      That didn’t sound right, that thankfully it stayed with my son’s family. I am just thankful it didn’t spread farther to the rest of us. I was not happy they were sick at all.

      • Becky says:


        I understood your first comment perfectly. πŸ™‚ It’s always best if a sickness stays contained where it first started and doesn’t move to other places.

        I bet it won’t be long till you trade in that flip phone for a new one; I think you’ll really enjoy it once you make the switch! πŸ™‚

  8. Ann Martin says:

    So enjoyed the pictures. Glad you have Nathan to help with new phone for Steve. We upgraded in Sept. Jim got a 6 plus and I got a 6. We both had iPhone 4. Have enjoyed the larger screen.

    • Becky says:


      So you and Jim did the same thing Steve did–took a BIG leap up. The difference between a 4 and 6 is amazing. He is loving his phone; I know you guys are, too!

  9. Liz says:

    Illness when families get together seems to be the norm, especially at Christmas. Hope all are well soon. I am struck again by the amazing resemblance between Sarah and her niece! The photo where Sarah is holding her, looking straight into the camera is amazing. Glad you are feeling well. Best wishes for the New Year.

    • Becky says:


      You’re right; there really is a strong resemblance between those two. It’s so fascinating to watch kids and grand kids as they grow and see the different relatives “come out” in their faces, expressions, and mannerisms.

  10. Lesley says:

    Happy New Year!! So glad your immune system outsmarted the traveling virus. The kiddos are adorable, Noah is hanging onto that gorgeous hair color. And yes, thank goodness for children who can bail us out of technical potholes. My son gave me a GPS for Christmas and I have no idea what to do with it. THE BOX IS STARING AT ME FROM THE DINING ROOM TABLE. I have no clue. Gotta call the boy.

    • Becky says:


      You have survived in D.C. for this long without a GPS? Amazing!

      I bought Steve a reconditioned GPS about 5 Christmases ago and we absolutely love it! Open up that box and give it a try. It’s really very intuitive. If you are smart enough to be a nurse you are WAY smart enough to figure out a GPS πŸ™‚ Enjoy!

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Awwww….Becky, they are just so sweet. πŸ™‚ You can definitely tell that Noah and Madison are brother and sister. Adorable!!
    I feel your technology pain……my kids still bail me out on occasion. Bless their hearts. Lol (One time after our son went to college, we had to call him to ask him how to play a dvd with the surround sound system on. Geeeez.)

    I hope everyone is on the mend and that all that sickness has been kicked to the curb! Happy New Year!

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad we are not the only ones who have to call our kids for assistance. Since they grew up with technology, everything just seems so intuitive for them. We older folks have to struggle a bit more but we get there eventually. πŸ™‚

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