
October 14, 2013

Steve and Sarah hit the road this morning for North Carolina. They’re planning on getting home about 11:30 so it’ll be a long day. I’ll be flying back home on Thursday since I just didn’t think a grandma should be asked to leave her grandson after just two days of seeing him!

I mean, look at this face! I think the extra few days are WELL worth it. (And thanks to a sweet Smithellaneous friend who donated airline points to cover my flight home.)


Well, I’d better get back to my grandmothering–thanks for all the sweet comments that have been left. We feel very blessed!

13 comments so far.

13 responses to “Grandmothering”

  1. Mary H says:

    Stay and cherish Noah and his mom and dad as long as you are able. Blessings to the generous person who donated travel points. He is just magnificent. Takes my breath away. Please smell his sweet baby head for me. Nothing like being a grandma, now is there? Can’t explain the feeling – you just have to experience it. So, so happy for all of you.

  2. Marjie says:

    He is so precious. What a huge blessing. May God continue to shower his blessings upon all of you. It will be hard to leave him I know I have 2 grandsons who have captured my heart forever!!! Hugs from Iowa,

  3. Karen Cathey says:

    I’m so glad you get some days with that precious grandson!

  4. Kristina says:

    Awwwww, Congratulations Smith family (BOTH of them)!!

  5. Debbie B says:

    He is just adorable. Get all the kisses you can!!!

  6. Jodi says:

    Oh is he ever delicious! I could just eat him up! Yes, it’s the law that a new grandmother must spend more than a long weekend w/ said new baby! When will all three (or @ least you & Sarah) be returning?

    Meagan, if your reading this please know you’re a rock star! Had you planned to deliver 100% drug free or did things happen so fast you weren’t given a choice? Nevertheless, I can say w/ no less than 150% certainty that MeagaNate make beautiful baby boys (I know the same will be said after your first girl too (no rush or anything; just making an observation)! Take care of yourself and no matter how much has to get done sleep when Noah sleeps! The laundry will get done & paper eating supplies are permissible for @ least the first 18 years! Whatever you can’t get done during the day, that’s what Nathan’s job will be in the evening after, of course, the medical massage!

    Hugs to the Smith & Hawley Family’s!!!!!!!!!

    • Jodi,

      Yes, actually it was my plan to deliver without any medication. Our options were open in case I was in the middle of the moment and needed to change my mind 🙂 The ultimate plan was to have a safe delivery for myself and Noah. Whatever meant “safe” is what we wanted. However, from the time I found out I was pregnant, I prayed that God would allow me to delivery without medication. I was very thankful that God granted my request. It is just another story to express to Noah that God truly does care about our every need and request no matter how big or small they may seem.

      • Jodi says:

        Thanks, Meagan! At some point if you share your birth story on your own writing forum would you have Becky or your Mom share it on their blogs? And you taught all day! When I was still teaching it seemed to be the norm! Once teacher told me @ 2:30 that she thought she was in Labor! She worked till 3:30 when the kids left, her husband picked her up @ 3:31 & she was in recovery by 5:00 after a third c-section! What is it w/ teachers?

        How you’re feeling good!

  7. Phyllis Lines says:

    He is a doll. Love all the blonde hair.

  8. Lesley says:

    He has a cleft in his chin like Nathan 🙂

  9. Catherine says:

    So sweet. Babies are the best! Enjoy the extra time with Noah! Praying for Safe travels for Steve and Sarah.

  10. sharyn McDonald says:

    Isn’t it wonderful being a grandma. Enjoy his smallness as much as you can. My first grandchild is now 19 years old. Noah is blessed with a lot of hair. He is so precious. Congrats to the whole family

  11. Margie M says:

    What an angel face. 🙂

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