Out Of The Mouth of Babes.

July 29, 2013

I’ve been up for 45 minutes and it’s only 5:07 a.m.  Should be in bed by about midnight tonight after 13 hours on the road.

Caffeine, anyone?

I just couldn’t resist re-posting something Meagan wrote on Facebook last night about a conversation between her small nephew, Spencer, her still-in-the-womb son, Noah, and her sister, Kristen.  (AKA Aunt KK)

She writes:

I’m laying on my couch and Spencer comes running down our hallway from Noah’s room.

Spencer: Mae Mae, where Noah? 

Me: Right here (pointing to my belly) 

Spencer: (leans down to my belly)  Noah, I please use your pillows?

Me: (uncontrollable laughing) He said yes!!

Spencer: Aunt KK, he said yes!!!! 

 I can’t wait for these two to meet 

In other news, Sarah put up an (infrequent) blog post last night that you’ll enjoy reading about The Florida Trip.

In preparation for the trip, she and Steve hustled around outside last night cleaning out the van and I hustled around inside crossing off a list of 67 Things To Do and Things To Pack.  (I am not exaggerating the number because I counted.)


 I will be happy to finally settle down in the front seat of the van and have absolutely nothing to think about!  (Well, except for all the things that I forgot to pack .. .)

4 comments so far.

4 responses to “Out Of The Mouth of Babes.”

  1. Linda says:

    Love the story….have a safe trip and enjoy the time with the rest of your family! Hugs….Linda in Pittsburgh

  2. jenna hoff says:

    Have a wonderful trip! Safe and happy travels!

  3. Mary H says:

    Safe and happy travels! Love the Spencer story. What a hoot.

  4. Have a great trip!

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